Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 7 - Day 3 - You are the Man!

Today's Treasure:

"David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, 'As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this deserves to die! He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.' Then Nathan said to David, 'You are the man!' "

2 Samuel 12: 5 - 7

Read 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 14

Why do you think Nathan used an analogy involving sheep?

I think of the direct relation Christ has to the sacrificed lamb. David once loved Christ as the poor man loved his lamb. Then, David became the greedy rich man and caused sin to lead to the necessary sacrifice of the lamb.

What was David's response to Nathan's analogy?

He became angry, he believed the man deserved to die and he commanded the man pay four times over

Verse 7 states

"Then Nathan said to David, 'You are the man!' "

What common thought do you find in 2 Samuel 12: 9 and John 14: 21?

Loving Christ = obeying His commands

At what point did David confess his sin?

In verse 13 after Nathan held him accountable for his sin

It is important to note here that a good bit of time passed since David committed the sin with Bathsheba. We know that the baby was born at this point; therefore, it is safe to assume that at least 10 months have passed. We do not know how old he is, it could have been much longer than 10 months. Why didn't David confess his sin much sooner than this? Was he blocking out the Holy Spirit as it beckoned him to understand what his choices caused? Isn't it scary that this proves how distant sin can move one away from God?

Nathan responded to David's confession with good news and bad news in verses 13 and 14:

Good News: The Lord took away David's sin, and he did not have to die

Bad News: David and Bathsheba's son would die

According to Galatians 6:1, who should restore a fallen brother and why should he be careful?

The spiritually mature should be the ones to restore a fallen brother; however, they must be careful no to be tempted when the fallen attempts to justify his/her sin. They can make it sound so innocent, and it is easy to start believing that the sin is acceptable. If you feel God is prompting you to restore someone, you must know that you stand firm enough in your conviction to not fall prey to the sin.

Have you ever confronted someone without being appointed by God?

I have to admit with this question that I am not good with confrontation. I have always been one that is too afraid of hurting someone to confront them. I have never felt God lead me to confront someone....I am sure it is because he knows I wouldn't be good at it.

I have to take a moment here to express my admiration for Nathan in these passages. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been to go before the king of Israel and call him on his sin? I have to tell you that I could not have carried out this mission the way Nathan did!!! I mean, he had to get in David's face. I am sure he was petrified!!! David already ordered the death of one man to cover up his sin. What was to keep him from ordering the death of another. Also, Nathan was aware of the distance David had placed between him and God. So, David wasn't really open to feeling guilt from the Holy Spirit. The narrative that David used helped David to see the grace of God. David wanted the wealthy man to die for what he had done. Yet, that is not the punishment God assigned to David for his sin. David had to realize the grace of God because he did not order a command for punishment that he was deserving of.

Have you ever had a season of unrepentance in your Christian life? What kind of internal effects did your unwillingness to repent have?

I felt guilt, shame and an inadequacy to have any relationship with God. I felt that God was disgusted by me, and wondered why He would want me to call on Him...

Now that I am older, I understand how I want my children to come to me even at their very worst!!! That is how the Father feels about you and I. He is prepared to love us through anything. All he expects is our willingness to confess and change the direction of our ways!!

Read Psalm 32: 3 - 5

What obvious toll did David's unwillingness to repent have on him?

His bones wasted away from groaning and his strength was drained from his body

How were your experiences similar?

I was constantly overwhelmed with thoughts of my sin

Have you found the misery of your unrepentant heart to exceed the misery of difficult circumstances?


Guilt can eat away at you physically. It pulls you away from God because you feel unworthy of relationship with Him

Have you ever noticed God helps us to forgive ourselves, but He does not make us forget our sins? Why do you think He erases our sins from His own mind but not from ours?

I have to remind myself that I am forgiven of certain sins, but remembering ensures that I will not repeat the same mistakes (hopefully)!!!

In Him,

Tiffany Pate

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