Happy Memorial Day!!! I hope you are having an amazing day celebrating all of the blessings our Lord continuously showers us with!
Today, I want to share the notes that Chuck Swindoll offers on the scripture (1 Kings 1-2, 17-40). His insight on this scripture is so much better than anything I could offer you. I will add my opinions here and there, but the seeds of thought were planted by him.
We need to remember that, for three years, Elijah was the most sought after man in Israel. King Ahab hated him and wanted him dead because he believed Elijah to be responsible for the drought that had overtaken their kingdom. We must consider the courage it took from Elijah to even be willing to do God's work. The most powerful man in the nation had every person seeking Elijah out in order to kill him. God provided protection for Elijah for three years, and now He instructs Elijah to place himself right in the midst of danger. His mission...to provide a physical example of proof that only our one true God exists and is capable.
What should we learn and apply to our lives today from this scripture:
1. When we are sure that we are in the will of God, we are invincible.
When we are in the will of God, we can stand firm as we move forward. This is why Elijah was not intimidated by the odds stacked against him. The equation was not one against eight hundred and fifty. It was eight hundred and fifty against one + God. It's important to note the way Elijah carried himself through these scripture. He spoke a total of eight times, and every time he "commanded" his work to be done. He was able to do this because he was sure he was invincible with God in charge. He knew he was in the will of God and nothing could overtake him as long as God was in control. The amazing thing that we need to remember is that God is in control of everything when we give our life situations to Him and love Him with all of our hearts. It is our job to stay on our knees and remain in His will.
2. Divided allegiance to God is as wrong as open idolatry.
This test was for the eyes of the entire nation of Israel. The people had accepted the gods of foreign lands, despite the fact that their one true God had carried them through so much. If they did not worship Baal, they were tolerant of the worship going on around them. It was just a matter of time before this idolatry penetrated the entire nation. So, Elijah asks, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions?" It is easy to stay in the state of non commitment. That is not what God wants for our lives. He wants 100% of us. In all honesty, when we consider that God/Christ gave one million percent, it is the least we can do. The strongest words spoken to the seven churches, in 2 and 3, were spoken to the church at Laodicea. They were uncommitted. Scripture says, "I know your deeds, that you are neither hot nor cold; I would rather that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, I will spit you from My mouth." (Revelation 3: 15-16) Either we are for God or we are against Him...there is no in between. It is time to stand up in our faith and show others that we a for God. If we notice things going on culturally that are not spiritual...we need to stand up for it. If we notice things going on in our churches that are not Christ centered...it needs to be addressed. I have to speak up here with something from my personal opinion box. Do you know how many young girls I have seen that call themselves Christians but consider it appropriate to wear clothing that shows body parts that should only be for the eyes of their future husbands? I remember having a beautiful, Laura Ashley polished cotton dress one time when I was in high school. I could not wait to wear that dress! I think I bought it for my senior portraits. I came prancing down the stairs in my new dress all ready for church and my moth er made me turn around and change clothes. She said the back o f the dress was cut to low and I would not be wearing that dress! I can assure you that, by today's standards, that dress was modest. The point is, my mother held me responsible for respecting myself and God through my appearance. I will not tell you that I never went through a phase of dressing more towards the trends (My best friend from college can attest to that), but I learned that you can be very attractively dressed and modest at the same time. Now, it seems that "anything goes" at church....even when young girls get up on stage to sing! I just wish parents would step up and stop buying these clothes that over indulge the senses of every teenage boy that looks their way. Then "they can't imagine why their little girl is already experiencing things they didn't until they were much older!" Okay - big sigh - I am off my soap box!!! Feel free to e-mail me with anything I have done that is offensive! That's what we are h ere for....to encourage and hold each other accountable!
3. Our most effective tool is the prayer of faith.
The one instrument that Elijah used throughout was prayer. I am going to add two of my favorite verses here. "I tell you the truth, if you have FAITH and DO NOT DOUBT, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, you can also say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea', and it will be done. If you BELIEVE, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer." (Matthew 21: 21 - 22). Prayer is so very important to the lives of a Believer. It is the only way to truly maintain a relationship with our Lord. That is the entire reason He created us...for relationship. Why would we deny him by ignoring the privilege we have been given. Chuck Swindoll says, "I didn't ask if you listen to the preacher pray or if you have done a good Bible study on prayer. I asked if you personally pray. Can you look back on the last seven days and pinpoint time that you set aside in prayer?" Prayer is the only way you will know if you are in the will of God. You have to pray that the Holy Spirit is renewed in your life each and every day.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18 says, "Be joyful always; PRAY CONTINUALLY; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus".
4. Never underestimate the power of one totally dedicated life.
While reading this story, did you breathe in the magnitude of this one man standing up to the ENTIRE kingdom of Israel? Did you take a moment to picture this in your mind? Elijah was just one man. His faith in God made an entire kingdom stand up and turn back to our God. If you ever feel like it is okay to ignore God's nudging as He prompts you to do His will, think about this story. We sit around and wonder why we do not experience more miracles in our day and time. Do you ever consider how many people do not act on God's behalf for fear of looking crazy to others? You may very well be the catalyst for a miracle and one simple act of disobedience ends that chain reaction. I have often thought of how the media has convinced Believers that we are the minority in this nation. THAT IS NOT TRUE! It is just that we have lost the individual desire that forces us to act on behalf of God. Not one person has called out to all the Believers and encouraged a reformation that could change the way this nation is going. We don't do it because we think of ourselves as the unimportant vote. I guarantee you if one person with the voice to reach many would stand up and take charge....this nation would follow. I have often thought that I would love to start a campaign of billboards all over the nation (if I had the money) that reads, "To All Christians: Despite What the Media Says, We Are Not the Minority. Let's Band Together For Change!" We have become tolerant of the pagan gods in this country! We need an Elijah!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
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