Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 2 of Week 1

June 27, 2009
Stepping Up – The Psalms of Ascent
Day 2 of Week 1

Woe to Me

During this study, we will use a study method suggested by Beth that uses three approaches to each Psalm.
1. Say It – Read the Psalm aloud to become aware of the rhythm and flow of the song
2. Work It –
a. Circle every reference to God or title given to God
b. Underline any word or phrase that stands out to you or speaks to you
c. Write in the margins when a psalm reminds you of an experience in your life
d. Compare writing styles in different translations
e. Share your own ideas with your small group
f. Do whatever it takes to increase your learning and comprehension

3. Pray It – You will write a rendition of each Psalm as a personal prayer to God

Let’s put this technique to practice.
Read all of Psalm 120 aloud:
“In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me:
‘The Lord delivers me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue.’
What will He give you, and what will He do to you, you deceitful tongue?
A warrior’s sharp arrows, with burning charcoal!
What misery that I have stayed in Meshech, that I have lived among the tents of Kedar!
I have lived too long with those who hate peace.
I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

Psalm 120 includes,
“Misery to me that I dwell in Meshech, that I live among the tents of Kedar!”

The Psalmist began this Psalm with a “woe is me” attitude. The Psalmist is a long way away from home. He felt like an alien. Think of a situation in your life where you feel like an alien, you feel as though no one around you believes in or stands for the things you do.
You may have to deal with authentically difficult people on a regular basis. Do you tend to return difficult for difficult?
What does Psalm 142: 1 – 2 give you permission to do?
“I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble.”

Read through this Psalm over and over. Circle the references to God. Write in the margins how you have experienced these feelings in your own life.

Now, take some time to write your own personal version of Psalm 120. Use it as your prayer to God.
I will not make this an everyday practice, but I just want you to see how I did mine. I don’t know if it is right or wrong, but it’s the way this Psalm made me feel. These are very personal, and I do not think they are meant to be shared. So, please excuse this one time.
My God, I cry out to you!
I am saddened, Father, I reach for you!
This cancer is so deceptive.
It is of the earth, not of You!
You are pure, cancer is not!
It wants to fill my body with toxins
You can cleanse me
I believe in You and I count on You daily!
Praise You, Father
I will praise You as I dance through this storm!

1 comment:

Norma Bowers said...

Tiffany, thank you for your honesty and openness! You are a light in a dark place. I love you and am praying for you to feel God so very close. Please let me know if I can ever do anything for you.

God bless your study of the Psalms of Ascent. Please remember that the church has the videos if you ever want to borrow them to watch!